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calc competition

E&S Wins Calc Competition for the First Time

Carver hosted Bodine, Friends Select, Northeast, and Palumbo March 16th for the 7th annual Citywide Calculus Competition. For the first time ever, a Carver E&S team took 1st place!!! (We have taken 2nd place for 6 years…usually losing in a nail biter in the final moments.) If you see Malik Dawan, Fahmida Lubna, Hongyin Liu, Abdu…

SeaGlide Competition

Carver’s SeaGlide Team Wins First Place!

The SeaGlide team won 1st place for the second year in a row at Temple University March 10th in an underwater robotics competition! Team members: Micah McClure, Safiyyah Franklin, and Carlos Rodriguez.  They are pictured with Dr. Simpson, the head of outreach for Naval Research, Dr Varnum, Temple University professor, and Captain Spencer, the commanding…

Middle School Quizbowl

Carver Middle School Competes At It’s First Ever Quiz Bowl Tournament

Carver E&S Middle School Quizbowl had their first ever mini-tournament at Friends Select School.  Four teams competed, FSS, Southwark, Carver A, and Carver B. Carver A:  Kamal, Kieran, Bryson, and Kevin Carver B.  Rose, Jason, Zora, and Farhan Top scorers on the A and B teams respectively were Kamal and Rose.  Both earned a book…

quizbowl team

Carver Quizbowl Ventures to Great Valley

Carver E&S Quizbowl took three teams to Great Valley on 2/24. It was a long day, but a fun day. There were lots of good buzzes on toss-ups and all three teams had solid collaboration on bonus questions. Carver A (Aidan, Cloris, Destiny, and Mohammed) went 4-4. Carver B ( Baz, Jayla, Abdu, and Josiah)…

Madison Ford top 10th grader

Congratulations to Madison Ford-McKnight, Top 10th Grader and Josiah Findley, Top 11th Grader Philadelphia Chess League

Carver is proud to have the top Sophomore, Madison and top Junior, Josiah for 2017-2018.

NSBE team

E&S National Society of Black Engineers Chapter Attends Danger Zone Summit

Members of the Carver chapter of NSBE Jr. (National Society of Black Engineers) attended the annual Danger Zone Summit, a regional conference with attendees from a dozen local colleges and universities. Students enjoyed a keynote address, networking opportunities, and a tour of Temple University’s engineering labs.

cyberpatriot logo

CyberPatriot Takes Third Place in Pennsylvania

Two of Carver’s CyberPatriot teams competed in the semifinal round of the CPX competition.  Both teams performed very well, placing in top 20 of the 126 teams in their tier. Carver Team 1 (Oliver Miller, Amin Ahmed, Joshua Birch, Alan Chaing, Kevin To, Angarang Logiiraz) won 3rd Place in the Pennsylvania Silver Tier. WHAT IS…

chess quarterfinal 18

E&S Hosts City Chess Quarterfinals

Engineering and Science hosts the 2018 Chess Quarterfinals

Robotics at Regionals

E&S Robotics Wins First Place at Regionals

At the Tech Student Association Regional Competition on February 9th, Carver took first place in the Engineering Design contest.  The students also took time to demonstrate Robotics to school district staff and students. Seniors: Sean Plunkett, Malik Dawan, Kris Booker, Ciheim Brown, Carlos Rodriguez

self driving car

Penn State’s Self Driving Car Team Visits Carver Robotics Students

Penn State’s Self Driving Car Team Visits Carver Robotics Students