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Archive for May, 2018

girls track player

Tehya wins two more championships to finish her track career at BU.

Tehya wins the 100M Hurdles and the Long Jump.  She also qualified for NCAA East Regionals. She graduated this May and plans to pursue graduate school for physical therapy. Boston University Athletic News              

boys robotics team

Check out “Our Lens” – 3 members of the Class of 2018 will take you behind the scenes in our school. Filmed in partnership with PennGSE

DESCRIPTION….In partnership with Penn GSE, three of our seniors created a film describing their experience at our school.  Our students were part of developing the concept, filming, editing and producing the film.  This is the second year of our partnership.  If you haven’t done so already, please check out last year’s video Bound    

Gear Girls

Check out the GEAR GIRLS Official Trailer, featuring our all-girls Robotics Team! [VIDEO]


boy running

Public League Track and Field Championship Recap

Pub Champs Recap Sydnei Scipio captures All-Public honors with a third place finish in girls’ long jump, jumping a PR of 17’0.25″ Shikeah Williams betters her school record toss in the Jav finishing in 6th place overall. Shynice Hses advances to tomorrows 100m final. On the Boys’ side, @meless grabs a 6th place finish in…

outward bound

E&S Students Return from 5 Day Outward Bound Expedition

Carver E&S students attended a 5-day Outward Bound course during the week of May 7th. During this week, students learned how to camp, rock-climb, cook in the outdoors, navigate using a map and compass, and effectively lead their peers. Thanks to Mr. Taylor-Baranik and to the Philadelphia Outward Bound School for their amazing instructors. More…

four girls track

E&S Middle School Takes Silver at Penn Relays 4×100

Tolu, A’Khiyah, Cora and Zoran finish 2nd at Penns in the 4 x 100!

boy javelin

Shikeah Williams sets school record for Javelin at the Lower Merion Invitational on May 5th.

Great day at Lower Merion Invitational! 4/4 in qualifying for league championships Jav/1600 as well as a new school record in theJv by Shikeah Williams.

Broad Street Run

Carver Middle School Runs Broad Street

On Sunday, May 6, Team Carver of Students Run Philly Style crushed the Broad Street Run!  Eighth graders Nasir Hines, Maria Hussain, Nasir Jones, Lin Lin, and Skylor Wentzell started training for the 10 mile race at the beginning of March.  Congratulations to the runners and a special shout out to all of the other…

poetry slam

First Annual Poetry Out Loud

Middle school students memorized and performed poetry during the month of April. Rose Whelan, Nasir Jones, and Mikaylah Roberts inspired us as winners of our first annual Carver HSES Middle School Poetry Out Loud competition. A huge shout out to ALL of our middle schoolers, and all of our well-versed finalists for their hard work…

michelle obama college

Carver Times reporters, Abigail Brown and Agung Putra contributed to an article published in the Philadelphia Public School Notebook

More than 8,000 students get encouragement at star-studded College Signing Day [FULL NOTEBOOK STORY]