You need to be sure that you can access their College Board account (CB).
If you have multiple accounts, you need to combine them into one.
This is important because:
The school has to order tests in October and this is done through your CB accounts.
The CB is releasing a ton of materials for each AP class and students will access them through their CB accounts.
You receive and send their scores through these accounts.
**Due to privacy issues, we at E&S cannot help them with this process. They must call the College Board to fix any issues.**
1. How do I know what projects to do?
All students should complete projects for the upcoming grade based on the roster.
If you requested an AP course, elective, or foreign language, you should complete that assignment listed in “AP Courses” or “Other Courses.”
If you took courses out of sequence, and/or you have questions about your projects, email Dr. Johnson –
2. Are summer projects graded?
All summer projects will be graded. Summer Projects for all Keystone Subject Area Courses and AP Courses are Mandatory.
3. What if I don’t have a printer?
Most assignments will be submitted through Google Classroom. If you don’t have an SDP account yet, complete it through a personal account, and you can move it over to your SDP account when school begins. For the math projects, please do your best to copy the directions and problems on notebook paper if you are unable to print the packets.
4. When will rosters be distributed?
Rosters will be available on all student logins in mid-August.