Middle school students memorized and performed poetry during the month of April. Rose Whelan, Nasir Jones, and Mikaylah Roberts inspired us as winners of our first annual Carver HSES Middle School Poetry Out Loud competition. A huge shout out to ALL of our middle schoolers, and all of our well-versed finalists for their hard work…
Carver E&S Middle School Quizbowl had their first ever mini-tournament at Friends Select School. Four teams competed, FSS, Southwark, Carver A, and Carver B. Carver A: Kamal, Kieran, Bryson, and Kevin Carver B. Rose, Jason, Zora, and Farhan Top scorers on the A and B teams respectively were Kamal and Rose. Both earned a book…
The middle school team clinched the #2 seed and will get a first round bye. The high school team is the #3 seed and will play Esparanza on Feb. 8th in the first round. MIDDLE SCHOOL SEEDS 1st Masterman 2nd Carver 3rd Mitchell 4th Esperanza 5th JS Jenks 6th Meredith HIGH SCHOOL SEEDS 1st…
On December 12, Carver E&S welcomed Liliana Velásquez, author of Dreams and Nightmares, to our school on Tuesday, December 12. When Liliana was 14 years old she fled gender based violence and extreme poverty in Guatemala and came to the US as an unaccompanied minor. Our entire 7th grade and many of our advanced Spanish students read her book. …
Congratulations Carver E&S MS for receiving the Imagine Math School of Excellence Award. The award is presented to the 25 highest achieving schools based on usage and level of achieved mastery. Congratulations to Mr. Lick and all of our MS students for their continued hard work in math!