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Category: Clubs

Kids playing chess

Middle and High School Chess Teams Set for Playoffs

The middle school team clinched the #2 seed and will get a first round bye.  The high school team is the #3 seed and will play Esparanza on Feb. 8th in the first round.   MIDDLE SCHOOL SEEDS 1st Masterman 2nd Carver 3rd Mitchell 4th Esperanza 5th JS Jenks 6th Meredith HIGH SCHOOL SEEDS 1st…

Teams at Quizbowl Tournament

Quizbowl Competes at Swarthmore

Carver E&S took three teams to compete in the novice SCOP tournament at Swarthmore. Top preliminary scorers on each team were: A Team–Mohammed with 43 ppg ranked #4 overall and earning a book prize. B Team–Baz with 41 ppg ranked #8 overall and earning a book prize. C Team–Kim with 26 ppg, a personal record!…

Boys won at Vex Competition

Team HorsePower Qualifies for States [VIDEO]

[VIDEO] Congratulations to ‘Team HorsePower’ for qualifying for the state VEX Robotics Competition in March vs. 26 regional teams. This is the first time Engineering and Science has qualified for VEX!  Congrats to the ‘pit crew’ of the all-Senior team: Malik Dawan, Sean Plunkett, Kris Booker, Ciheim Brown, and Carlos Rodriguez​.

Kids at Robotics Competition

Gear Girls and Tech Heroes Compete at FTC Qualifiers

Our two FTC Robotics teams, #9570 Gear Girls and #5321 TechHeroes, competed at the Philadelphia Qualifying Tournament.  This tournament was the culmination of our season, and the results of which determined the teams that would progress onto the state-level tournament.  There were 29 teams from all over the city at the Philadelphia Qualifier, most of…