FOR SCHOOL SELECTION APPLICANTS ONLY: We have extended the appeals deadline for applicants with a documented barrier to Tuesday, Dec 17th, 2024, at 5:00 pm EST

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Archive for February 25th, 2022

With Guidance from TeenSHARP, Brian T. Earns Scholarship to Carleton College!

With Guidance from TeenSHARP, Brian T. Earns Scholarship to Carleton College!

Brian Thevenot, Carver Engineering & Sciences, learned recently that he has earned early admission and a near full ride to Carleton College in Minnesota (ranked #9 by US News & World Report). Last year, Carleton received 8,000 applications and accepted only 21% of those applicants. Brian has been an active member of TeenSHARP for the past two years where he has received college advising and…