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Archive for April, 2020

Congratulations to Ms. Hogan - PA Quizbowl Coach of the Year

Congratulations to Ms. Hogan – PA Quizbowl Coach of the Year

Congratulations to Ms. Hogan on being named the PA Quizbowl Coach of the Year.  Ms. Hogan oversees a club with over 20 quizbowlers as they compete in events all around our region.  Ms. Hogan’s dedication has led our team to be the top Philadelphia public school for several years running and we again qualified for the…

Christopher Facenda-Torres – March Student of the Month

Christopher Facenda-Torres – March Student of the Month

Christopher Facenda-Torres – March Student of the Month

Carver Science Fair Winners

Carver Science Fair Winners

The science fair awards ceremony scheduled for March 11 was cancelled as a cautionary measure due to coronavirus. This year we had ten participants from E&S. Eight of the ten placed in their category at the Carver Science Fair and six have advanced to the Delaware Valley Science Fair. If you see any of the…