All SDP schools and offices will be closed on Friday, February 14 in observance of
the Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles’ City-Wide Celebration,
and Monday February 17 in observance of Presidents’ Day.

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Archive for September, 2018


Cross Country Team Runs at the PIAA Invitational in Hershey PA

On Saturday, September 22, the E&S Cross-Country team competed in the PIAA Foundation Cross-Country Invitational in Hershey PA where they faced some of the top teams from around the state. Every runner ran a personal best to help the team finish in the top 20 in team scoring. Congratulations to all the runners for a great…

Clothes Donation

Home and School Clothing Drive

The Carver Home and School Association is running an ongoing clothing drive.  Please bring your donations to the student entrance before school.

artwork on display

Carver Students Artwork Showcased at City Hall

Congratulations to Michael Peterson, Nathaniel Harriott, and Simone Beamer for being selected to showcase their art work at the 9th Annual A+Art Exhibition at City Hall. Their work will be on display on the 4th floor of City Hall until September 28th. Thank you to Blick Art Supply for the generous donations to our Art…