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Archive for March 9th, 2018

Middle School Quizbowl

Carver Middle School Competes At It’s First Ever Quiz Bowl Tournament

Carver E&S Middle School Quizbowl had their first ever mini-tournament at Friends Select School.  Four teams competed, FSS, Southwark, Carver A, and Carver B. Carver A:  Kamal, Kieran, Bryson, and Kevin Carver B.  Rose, Jason, Zora, and Farhan Top scorers on the A and B teams respectively were Kamal and Rose.  Both earned a book…

girl science project

Seven Carver Students Advance from City Finals to Delaware Valley Science Fair

Award Winners: Parmenus Bowler Marc Stokes Miles Roberts Cira Diop Martha Victoria Ekram Ibrahim Winners that advanced to Delaware Valley Science Fair Contestants: Nadira Walker Amelie Hernandez Meshach Anderson Habibata Sylla Fatima Rabihi Jada Peters Joshua Jones