All SDP schools and offices will be closed on Friday, February 14 in observance of
the Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles’ City-Wide Celebration,
and Monday February 17 in observance of Presidents’ Day.

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Archive for October, 2023

Parent Empowerment Meeting

Parent Empowerment Meeting

Hello Carver parents and guardians, My name is Mckenzie Nash and I am the STEP Clinical Coordinator at Carver High School of Engineering and Science. Myself and Mr. Sanchez (STEP Case Manager) and happy to be back for a 2nd year serving the Carver Community. The Support Team for Educational Partnership (STEP) Team works with…

Cross-Country Team Races to Season's Bests At Belmont Plateau

Cross-Country Team Races to Season’s Bests At Belmont Plateau

Cross-Country Team Races to Season’s Bests At Belmont Plateau

ASA Club Kicks Off By Making Paper Lanterns for the Mid-Autumn Festival!

ASA Club Kicks Off By Making Paper Lanterns for the Mid-Autumn Festival!

ASA Club Kicks Off By Making Paper Lanterns for the Mid-Autumn Festival!